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爱与欲望的故事 电影

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分类:电影 法国 2020

主演:萨米·瓦塔尔巴利 Zbeida Belhajamo 

导演:Leyla Bouzid 


爱与欲望的故事电影上映于2020年,由著名电影明星萨米·瓦塔尔巴利 Zbeida Belhajamor Diong-Kéba Tacu 奥拉利亚·佩蒂特 Mahia Zrouki 贝拉明·阿卜杜勒马莱克 Mathilde Lamusse 萨米尔·埃尔哈基姆 Khemissa Zarouel Sofia Lesaffre Baptiste Carrion-Weiss Charles Poitevin Omar Khasb Zaineb Bouzid Céline Rotard 主演的剧情,情剧情,情电影,又名A Tale Of Love And Desire,爱与欲望的故事 Une histoire d’amour et de désir。爱与欲望的故事讲述了:  Bouzid’s sophomore film details the sexual awakening of Ahmed, a young French man of Algerian origins. His encounters with Farah, recently arrived from Tunis, paired with Arab erotic literature, forces him to reexamine his understanding of himself.  Bouzid’s sophomore film details the sexual awake 详情


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