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笼子里的女人 电影

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分类:电影 美国 1964

主演:奥利维娅·德哈维兰 詹姆斯·肯恩 



笼子里的女人电影上映于1964年,由著名电影明星奥利维娅·德哈维兰 詹姆斯·肯恩 主演的剧情,情剧情,情电影,又名电梯惊魂。笼子里的女人讲述了:The lady is Mrs. Hilyard, a wealthy poetess who lives in a three-story city mansion and her cage is her elevator, which stops a dozen feet short of the main floor due to an electrical failure on a July 4th weekend. She rings her outside alarm, eventually noticed by a drunken derelict, who breaks into the house, ignores her plight and helps himself to various items and alcohol. ...The lady is Mrs. Hilyard, a wealthy poetess who li 详情


  • 奥利维娅·德哈维兰

    代表作: 乱世佳人 天堂电影院 侠盗罗宾汉1938版 女继承人 笼子里的女人 

  • 詹姆斯·肯恩

    代表作: 超脱 赌棍 遥远的桥 拉斯维加斯 第四季 拉斯维加斯 第一季 

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