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女孩画像 电影

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分类:电影 其它 2022

主演:Aamu Milonoff Eleonoora K 

导演:Alli Haapasalo 


女孩画像电影上映于2022年,由著名电影明星Aamu Milonoff Eleonoora Kauhanen Linnea Leino Sonya Lindfors 塞西尔·奥尔布林 乌娜·艾罗拉 米寇·考毗拉 Amos Brotherus Bruno Baer Nicky Laaguid Oksana Lommi Yasmin Najjar Elias Westerberg Pietu Wikström Fathi Ahmed 主演的爱情爱情电影,女孩画像讲述了:  Best friends Mimmi and Rönkkö work after school at a foodcourt smoothie kiosk, frankly swapping stories of their frustrations and expectations regarding love and sex. Volatile misfit Mimmi, unexpectedly swept up in the thrill of a new romance with Emma (a driven skater training for the European championships), struggles to adjust to the trust and compromise required by a lasting relationship. Meanwhile, the offbeat, indefatigable Rönkkö hits the teen party scene, stumbling through a series of awkward encounters with members of the opposite sex while hoping to find her own version of satisfaction.  Best friends Mimmi and Rönkkö work after school 详情


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