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戈登·拉姆齐:美食秘境第二季综艺上映于2020年,由著名综艺明星戈登·拉姆齐 主演的欧美综艺欧美综艺综艺,戈登·拉姆齐:美食秘境第二季讲述了:  Globetrotting celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay serves up an epic adventure in "Gordon Ramsay: Uncharted." He travels around the world meeting with indigenous people to learn about their foods and cultures. In each location, he harvests new ingredients and samples new dishes. He also teams up with local legends to cook feasts to present to the native peoples.  Globetrotting celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay serve 详情


  • 戈登·拉姆齐

    代表作: 少年厨艺大师第七季 蓝精灵:寻找神秘村(国语版) 玛蒂达与拉姆齐一家 第一季                                                                                                2015                                                                                                                      

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